Thursday, September 1, 2011

Libya News - Tragic Story of the Khadafi Family Child Caregiver

Legs and hands tied. His mouth was taped. Then doused with boiling water.

Mullah Shwygar still moaning in pain while undergoing treatment at the burns unit Hospital Tripoli, Libya on Tuesday, August 30, 2011. Grandchildren caregivers Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had suffered serious burns after boiling water poured by one son-Gaddafi.

30-year-old woman is a nanny who worked at the home of Hannibal, one of Gaddafi's son. He could not escape when Hannibal's wife, Aline, douse with boiling water because of failing to calm the fussy child.

CNN journalist who met Mullah in the former mansion of Hannibal. Wearing hats and cloth masks, Mullah slowly showing the terrible burns on her face and her body. Blisters and red.

Ethiopia's national women came to Libya last year. Parenting two children Hannibal, initially all went well. However, entering the sixth month of torture began to emerge. "I was burned by Aline, and the same thing happened again three months later with more serious conditions," he said.

With a weak tone, Mullah said Aline lose patience when his son could not stop crying. "He took me to the bathroom, tied my hands behind my back, tied my legs and my mouth melakban. Then, he began to pour boiling water on my head," he said.

Afterwards, Mullah forced to stand outdoors for three days. "He will not let me sleep, and I continue to stand outside the cold without food. He also threatened to do the same to the staff if it helps me," he said. "I was forced to watch the dogs eat, while I was left hungry."

Exit Maggots

The horror of torture appeared on her frail body with skin peeling off almost entirely. In some parts are dry, but still many are still wet.

Clear liquid seemed to melt from his scalp. In fact there was a maggot out of his head. Perhaps the wound rot because after the first incident he was locked up without treatment.

Mullah first arrived at the hospital around June. "After three days caring for Mullah, they (staff Hannibal) came to threaten me to stop the medication or I would get in trouble," said hospital director, Ridha Franka.

However, amid threats, a number of guards at the residence of Hannibal secretly bring Mullah back to the hospital to receive further treatment. (Ren)

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