Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sport News - Heart Attack, "Angel of Death" in the Field

Has not exhausted the memory of the calamity that befell Fabrice Muamba, again shocked the football world with an incident that happened to Piermarino Morosini, Italian Serie B club players, Livorno. Cries the world football stage.

If Muamba to this day can still breathe the world, Morosini actually lost their lives defending Livorno face when competing Pescara, Saturday, April 14, 2012, at the Stadio Adriatico. Morosini fallen on 31 minutes and was unconscious on the field until his last breath before being taken into the ambulance.

Before unconsciousness, Morosini actually tried three times up to fight heart attacks. Morosini escape the critical phase of the view that the referee because of his position scramble the ball away from the duel.

"When Morosini fell, he tried to bounce back. But, he fell again. Therapist we realized what happened," the story of Pescara CEO, Danilo Iannascoli Skysport reported from Italy. viva