Sunday, April 15, 2012

Austrian News - Because of the Sausage, Slovenia-Austria hostile

Government of Austria and Slovenia was feuding over who is entitled to claim the pork sausage typical of the two countries. This feud is a serious issue to be discussed at the European Commission.

Reported by the BBC, Saturday, April 14, 2012, the feud began when Slovenia would like to register Kranjska sausage or sausage Krainer klobasa to obtain copyright protection in the EU. Previously granted similar protection for Parmesan cheese, bread drink Champagne and Cornish.

Slovenia claims, sausage made ​​from minced pork flavored with garlic and pepper were created in northern Slovenia in the 19th century. This claim was denied by the government of Austria.

If the request is granted Slovenia, Krainer sausage will get Geographical Indication Protection (PGI) of the European Commission. If so, no one should call the pork sausage with the same recipe or the name Kranjska Krainer.

Vienna government argued that the sausage was first produced in Austria by the name Kaesekrainer. In this country, the sausage and cheese stuffing mix and match with other variations.

Chamber of Commerce, the Patent Office and the Ministry of Agriculture Austria application united to sue Slovenia. They say, if the name of the sausage is replaced, it would be a blow to the economy and culture of Austria.

Both countries have debated the differences in names and their sausage recipes in the European Commission. If within six months of ongoing dispute, the decision will be taken by the European Commission. viva