Wednesday, May 9, 2012

World News - Bra Overcome Impact of Nuclear Disaster

Super Cool underwear bra contains a special gel that is designed to stay soft and comfortable when frozen. This bra is made to overcome the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster. How can it be?

When summer comes, the Japanese have an energy crisis. Without active nuclear plants, electricity production are threatened. This issue is moving people across Japan for energy-saving campaign. This movement began with saving the use of air conditioning in homes and offices called Cold Business.

Initiative of the Japanese government expects its citizens to minimize the use of clothing. By reducing the clothes worn, the people do not have to suck up a lot of energy with the use of air conditioning.

Bra fish picture is designed with the idea that energy savings. Triumph offers energy-efficient solutions to welcome summer. According to Triumph, a special gel will give you the sensation of cold at the same time supporting the breast with good shape.

According to pages, women who were asked to assess the opinion of this bra is a stupid idea. But, given the extreme weather and global warming, this bra can be one attractive solution. viva